Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Liberty Lightning

I realised as I was writing the last post about explosions that I haven’t written anything about our Liberty Lightning beer. I must have been busy with other things – there haven’t been any posts for a number of weeks. Sorry to all you readers. (Both of you!)

So, what is Liberty Lightning? Well we wanted to make a really light and easy drinking summer ale with a nice hop flavour along the lines of Hop Back’s Summer Lightning.

So we decided: keep the grain bill simple. And choose one interesting and light hop. What we ended up with was 100% maris otter pale ale malt, and 100% Liberty hops. I’ve heard some people refer to this as SMASH brewing: Single Malt And Single Hop.

Liberty is a US variety, although it’s very low acidity (compared to other US varieties). It seems to have Germanic roots, giving it a clean spiciness with a bit of fruitiness, apparently. We shall see! Apart from the loss of about a pint and a half (see the post about explosions), the rest is currently conditioning nicely.

STOP PRESS: It’s tried to escape again! Stop fermenting, you yeast! I made you; I am your lord and master!

Photo: Hop Back Brewery


  1. I can hardly complain at the lack of posts Bill. My own blog has cobwebs! Anyway the title of your previous post certainly grabbed my attention!

  2. :-) Cheers John. You are one of my two readers. Actually since we can't really count Andy, you're my only reader!! :-)
