Saturday, 11 May 2013

Giving away beer

I have recently discovered a true joy in life: giving away something that I have made to friends. I don’t make beer to save money, nor because I particularly need lots of beer to drink; I make beer because I enjoy the process and the satisfaction of creating something. So to be able to share it with friends just adds to the enjoyment of the whole process.

I’ve recently given away bottles of the Audlem Smoky and Coole Pilate to John, Harry, Simon, Steve, Bruce and Ernie.

I had some lovely feedback from John (and I know he reads this blog), so I thought I’d share some of it with you.

“Wow. Loved them both. Neither would appear in my list of "normal tipple of choice" but that said, I really did enjoy them. The lager was very well gassed and sparkled quite merrily on pouring. The fizz didn't last much past halfway - I don't know how the commercial breweries manage to keep a drink sparkling to the bottom of the glass but there must be a trick to it - but the flavour was delightfully fresh and distinctively lagerish, although to my palate it also had echoes of a pale ale.

“The Audlem Smokey was a revelation… I wouldn't want more than one glass on any one occasion, but as a sipping beer on a Friday night (when I drank them both) it was near perfect.”

Cheers John! Glad you enjoyed them!



  1. I doubt Cheshire Peaks needs an official beer critic, but if you DID decide to seek reviews on a semi-regular basis... :0)

  2. Thanks John, you have got the job! :-)
